Smith says the new sporting flag on the new agenda unveiled ...
2GB, Sydney hosted by Chris Smith
25 Jan 2013 8:41 AM
Smith says the new sporting flag on the new agenda unveiled by Ausflag is on the 2GB website. Smith does not like nor agree with it. Smith agrees the Australian flag looks like the NZ flag but he likes it and does not want it changed.
Program Preview: - Update on the Katter′s Australia Party c...
ABC Ballarat, Ballarat hosted by Steve Martin
25 Jan 2013 8:34 AM
Program Preview:
- Update on the Katter′s Australia Party campaign in Wannon.
- A look at wildlife cruelty in the Cobboboonee State Forest. Interview with a resident who has contacted the DSE and Vic Police.
- Discussion on AusFlag′s proposal for a sports flag. Interview with Patrick McGorry, Director, AusFlag.
Program preview: -A look at the new Australian sporting fla...
936 ABC Hobart, Hobart hosted by Sarah Gillman
25 Jan 2013 8:30 AM
Program preview:
-A look at the new Australian sporting flag launched by Ausflag ahead of Australia Day celebrations.
-Sports with Jane Longhurst and Brett Geeves.
-Friday forum.
-Discussing compensation for tourism operators affected by recent bushfires.
-Discussing how the housing industry is helping its own to recover from the recent bushfires.
AusFlag′s proposed sports flag Morice says people have sent...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 8:23 AM
AusFlag′s proposed sports flag
Morice says people have sent Tweets to say it is boring
AusFlag′s proposed sports flag Email - Brett says go away R...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 8:22 AM
AusFlag′s proposed sports flag
Email - Malcolm says maybe we should change the British flag to the Union Jack with a big crescent moon.
Ausflag has unveiled a new Australian sporting flag, because...
2SM, Sydney hosted by Dianne Coveny-Garland
25 Jan 2013 8:18 AM
AusFlag has unveiled a new Australian sporting flag, because they believe it′s distinctive and patriotic enough for supporters to use at international events without being confused for a British colony. Ausflag chairman, Robert Webster says Australians need a flag they can wave proudly. Host says she likes Australia′s flag and doesn′t think it should be changed. But Webster says it′s beyond absurd that Australia waves the Union Jack at Commonwealth Games when other colonies have their own unique flags. Host says it′s a controversial and emotional issue. Webster says it′s not an anti-British campaign but a pro-Australian stance. Host says it′s messing with something that′s been around for a very long time. Host asks listeners what they think.
AusFlag′s proposed sports flag Email - Linda says Ray Marti...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 8:09 AM
AusFlag′s proposed sports flag
Email - Linda says Ray Martin referred to the flag as ′just a piece of material′
There are claims that it is time for Australia to grow up wi...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 8:01 AM
There are claims that it is time for Australia to grow up with a proposed new sporting flag to wave at international events. Ausflag has unveiled the new design which sees the Southern Cross remain but the union Jack replaced with two green and gold stripes. David d′Lima, National Secretary, Australian Monarchist League, welcomes debate but says a new flag is not needed
Mornings Program Preview: - Tess Corbett has pulled out of ...
ABC Ballarat, Ballarat hosted by Dominic Brine
25 Jan 2013 7:43 AM
Mornings Program Preview:
- Tess Corbett has pulled out of the race for the seat of Wannon for Katter′s Australia Party.
- A look at native animal deaths in the Cobboboonee State Forest.
- AusFlag are pushing for a sports flag for Australia
An alliance of high-powered Australians is pushing for a new...
2GB, Sydney hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:32 AM
An alliance of high-powered Australians is pushing for a new sporting flag to be used at major events. Robert Webster, Ausflag says Ray Martin supports it.
AusFlag have launched a new Australian flag to wave at sport...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:31 AM
AusFlag have launched a new Australian flag to wave at sporting events, which replaces the Union Jack with green and gold stripes. Harold Scruby, AusFlag says it was obvious Australian needed a new flag when it was raised alongside the UK and New Zealand flags during the rowing medal ceremony at the London Olympics.
There are claims that it is time for Australia to grow up wi...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:31 AM
There are claims that it is time for Australia to grow up with a proposed new sporting flag to wave at international events. Ausflag has unveiled the new design which sees the Southern Cross remain but the union Jack replaced with two green and gold stripes.
New sports flag proposed by AusFlag Caller Doreen says she ...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 7:22 AM
New sports flag proposed by AusFlag
Caller Doreen says she would support a new flag because she wants to get rid of the foreign flag in the corner. She says she would like to see the Qantas kangaroo instead of the Union Jack.
New sports flag proposed by AusFlag Caller Jimmy says Ray M...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 7:15 AM
New sports flag proposed by AusFlag
Caller Jimmy says Ray Martin′s comments are based on a false premise, the idea that we are immature as a nation and we need to grow up by changing the flag. He says no country will show us any more respect because we have changed the flag. Dicko asks what Jimmy thinks of the South African flag. Caller says their history is different from our. He says the Aboriginal people saw the Southern Cross long before Captain Cook. Dicko says don′t forget the Federation Star.
New sports flag proposed by AusFlag Rob says Australians sa...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 7:14 AM
New sports flag proposed by AusFlag
Rob says Australians said they did not want to change the flag. He says now Ray Martin, a condescending little man, is telling us we need to be educated. He says relatives died under the Australian flag in wars. He says he does not care what Ray thinks. Morice says she agrees with Rob.
[cont“ Conlon and Reilly are joined by David d′Lima, Nation...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Keith Conlon and Jane Reilly
25 Jan 2013 7:13 AM
Interview with Harold Scruby, Director, AusFlag about the Australian flag. Scruby agrees that there is a lot of symbolism in the Union Jack, pointing out that it is one of the best flags in the world but it is not Australia′s flag. He says that Canada in 1965 changed its flag from having the Union Jack in the top left corner to probably one of the most beautiful flags in the world. Scruby points out that Canada has not removed its history with this change, and remains a monarchy, as does New Guinea which has its own flag. Scruby says that under vexillology, the study of flags, having the flag of another nation in the top left corner of a flag means domination and subordination. He says that Australia′s flag is wrong when Australia is a grown up independent nation
[cont“ Interview with Harold Scruby, Director, AusFlag abou...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Keith Conlon and Jane Reilly
25 Jan 2013 7:11 AM
Conlon and Reilly are joined by David d′Lima, National Secretary, Australian Monarchist League to discuss AusFlag′s suggestion of a new Australian flag to be used at sporting events. D′Lima thinks that it is always good for Australians to think about these matters, because they often take for granted the symbols and signs that Australia does have. D′Lima explains that the Union Jack has a Christian significance, because it is made of Christian crosses. Conlon thinks that this significance has been subsumed under patriotic symbols of England and Scotland. Conlon says that the flag may represent the past for some, but as Malcolm Turnbull points out in an article today in the Financial Review, one quarter of the people under the flag were not born here and very few have a British tradition. D′Lima replies that so many want to come to Australia because of the good things that the country has. [cont“
Interview with Ray Martin, Director, AusFlag. Morice says no...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 7:08 AM
Interview with Ray Martin, Director, AusFlag. Morice says not-for-profit organisation AusFlag has suggested a new flag for sporting events. Martin says AusFlag wants Australia to grow up in the terms of the flag. He says Fiji is about to remove the Union Jack from their flag so just Australia and NZ and a couple of territories that still use it. Dicko describes the proposed flag which is green gold, navy and a Southern Cross. Martin says we have gone past the boxing kangaroo. Morice says a lot of people enjoy taking the boxing kangaroo to sport. Martin says it is a bit too folksy. He says people get more upset over the flag than the republic. He says they want people to see that the sky will not fall if we replace the flag. He says each state flag has the Union Jack. Dicko says British sporting teams do not use the Union Jack. Martin says the SMH had a supplement about Australia Day with the Australian flag and all you could see was the Union Jack.
Reilly notes that AusFlag has suggested that Australia needs...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Keith Conlon and Jane Reilly
25 Jan 2013 7:07 AM
Reilly notes that AusFlag has suggested that Australia needs a new sporting flag. She and Conlon are joined by Harold Scruby, Director, AusFlag, to discuss this issue. Scruby describes their suggested flag, noting that it includes the Southern Cross, green and gold. Scruby encourages people to head to their website, where they have a clip of Australia coming second in the rowing in the London Olympics. He says that the Union Jack was raised in the middle, Australia second and New Zealand third, describing it as looking like ′Britain, little Britain and littler Britain′. He comments that the world must be looking at Australia and wondering why they are still clinging to the idea that they are a colony of Britain when they are actually a sovereign independent nation. Reilly thinks that the Australian flag is beautiful and represents all the things that Australia has done, such as the World Wars and the sporting achievements. She says that it would be confusing to see a sporting flag and another flag. Reilly doesn′t want the Australian flag to change. Scruby corrects Reilly on the history of the Australian flag. [cont“
The AusFlag group is using Australia Day to push for a new f...
i98 FM, Wollongong hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:04 AM
The AusFlag group is using Australia Day to push for a new flag design.
Several prominent Australians have come together to unveil t...
3BA FM, Ballarat hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:03 AM
Several prominent Australians have come together to unveil the new national sporting flag Ausflag, with plans to use it at major events. The group, including Australian of the Year Patrick McGorry, Ray Martin, and Peter FitzSimons will push for it to be used at the Olympics.
Not-for-profit group AusFlag is calling for a new flag desig...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:02 AM
Not-for-profit group AusFlag is calling for a new flag design on the eve of Australia Day, to be used at sporting events.
The group pushing for a new Australian flag has unveiled the...
Smooth FM 95.3, Sydney hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:02 AM
The group pushing for a new Australian flag has unveiled their design. Aus Flags says its sporting flag retains the Southern Cross on a blue background but replaces the union Jack with two vertical stripes in green and gold.
Not for profit group Ausflag has unveiled a new Australian s...
Radio Sport National, Melbourne hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 7:02 AM
Not for profit group Ausflag has unveiled a new Australian sports flag they believe is patriotic and distinctive for supporters to wave at international events, without being confused for a British colony.
Dicko says they will speak to Ray Martin about AusFlag′s lat...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 6:59 AM
Dicko says they will speak to Ray Martin about AusFlag′s latest proposal.
Hot seat segment - Peter says we do not need a separate spo...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 6:50 AM
Hot seat segment
- Peter says we do not need a separate sporting flag. He says he did not have a problem with Cathy Freeman displaying the Australian and Aboriginal flags. He says John Howard has been the best PM in 25 years. He says he liked Bob Hawke too.
- Sally says it is unAustralian to suggest a separate sporting flag. Dicko says this time AusFlag are suggesting a flag for sporting events. Caller says she is in manufacturing and so believes in supporting local Australian industries like tourism and tries to buy Australian products.
- Steve says we do not need a separate sporting flag. Dicko says over 170,000 people in NSW will ′chuck a sickie′ to stretch out the long weekend. Steve says he does not agree with he long weekend. Morice says Steve wins tickets to the movie Guilt Trip.
Davidson says Peter Fitzsimons and Aus Flag are pushing for ...
2CC, Canberra hosted by Pete Davidson
25 Jan 2013 6:48 AM
Davidson says Peter Fitzsimons and Aus Flag are pushing for a new national sports flag. Davidson is sick of the issue. He thinks Aus Flag hope a new sports flag will eventually see the union jack taken off the official flag.
News Headlines: - AusFlag is suggesting a new design for th...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Keith Conlon and Jane Reilly
25 Jan 2013 6:43 AM
News Headlines:
- AusFlag is suggesting a new design for the Australian flag to be waved by Australian fans at sporting events.
- The SA Government is considering several measures to ease the living costs for SA residents.
- A toddler in Sydney has fallen nine metres from a unit and has been taken to hospital in a stable condition.
- The Santos Tour Down Under continues today.
Dicko asks people to take part in the hot seat segment, as l...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 6:38 AM
Dicko asks people to take part in the hot seat segment, as listeners gove their opinion on the stories of the day like the AusFlag proposal for a flag to use at sporting events. He says they will speak to Ray Martin on the issue. Morice asks who is your favourite PM for the last 25 years. She says a poll shows John Howard is the most popular by a long way.
A new national sporting flag has been unveiled ahead of Aust...
4TO FM, Townsville hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 6:32 AM
A new national sporting flag has been unveiled ahead of Australia Day. AusFlag is pushing for the green, gold, blue, and white flag to be used at major sporting events and even the Olympics. The Union Jack has been left off, with the southern cross taking pride of place.
On the eve of Australia Day there is a push by the Aus Flag ...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 6:32 AM
On the eve of Australia Day there is a push by the Aus Flag Group for a new design to be waved by fans at sports events.
Non-for-profit group AusFlag has unveiled a new Australian s...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 6:32 AM
Non-for-profit group AusFlag has unveiled a new Australian sporting flag. The organisation believes the flag is patriotic and will not confuse Australia for a British colony.
Caller Stephanie thinks she has an Australian identity and S...
2GB, Sydney hosted by Chris Smith
25 Jan 2013 6:15 AM
Caller Stephanie thinks she has an Australian identity and Scott Morrison is cooking with gas. Stephanie adds Australia may run out of gas if ′this communist mob′ get back. Stephenie says if Chris and Tony Abbott′s party get back in and end Multiculturalism we will stop the apartheid. Stephanie says if people want to come to her country then we are one nation and one flag. Stephanie criticised comments from Ausflag and the sporting flag. Smith describes it. Stephanie called it a tea towel.
Caller Stuart says that he thinks that green and gold makes ...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Keith Conlon and Jane Reilly
25 Jan 2013 6:09 AM
Caller Stuart says that he thinks that green and gold makes it [AusFlag′s proposed new sporting flag“ look like South Africa. He says he doesn′t like it. He thinks that people probably don′t want to sleep under the flag because that is how most coffins come back. Conlon agrees that it is a very powerful symbol.
Dicko says Ausflag has produced a new flag, supported by Pat...
2UE, Sydney hosted by Ian ′Dicko′ Dickson and Sarah Morice
25 Jan 2013 6:09 AM
Dicko says Ausflag has produced a new flag, supported by Patrick McGorry, Ray Martin and Peter FitzSimmons. He says it has a green and gold band and navy with the Southern Cross on it and they want sporting groups to use it. He says even the British teams do not wear the Union Jack. Morice says there is no need to change the flag.
Reilly says that she thinks AusFlag′s proposal of a new Aust...
5AA, Adelaide hosted by Keith Conlon and Jane Reilly
25 Jan 2013 6:05 AM
Reilly says that she thinks AusFlag′s proposal of a new Australian flag for sporting events shouldn′t happen. She does point out however that at the Olympics Britain won an event, Australia came second and New Zealand came third, and someone said that it looked like Britain, little Britain and littler Britain, but she thinks that we can look far beyond that. Conlon explains that the proposed flag which includes a form of the current flag as well as a yellow and green stripe. He says that the Australian flag has unfortunately become a symbol of ′boofhead nationalism′, citing the Cronulla riots as a very ugly use of the flag. Reilly doesn′t think that people should be using the flag as duvet covers, pillow cases and beach towels. Conlon suggests that Australia could get rid of the Union Jack, like Canada did when it became a separate nation. Reilly says that only three of the 54 nations in the Commonwealth still have the Union Jack, and Fiji is about to change. Conlon says that Australia Day used to just be a day off, but people are now talking about who we are. Reilly says that she is excited about tomorrow, noting that she doesn′t have any duties as an Australia Day Ambassador but instead she is heading down to the pub at lunchtime with friends to have schnitzel. Conlon jokes that this is un-Australian.
AusFlag has come up with a new design for an Australian flag...
MIX 92.7, Sunshine Coast hosted by Newsreader
25 Jan 2013 6:02 AM
AusFlag has come up with a new design for an Australian flag just for sporting events.
Program preview: - Technology talk with Josh Gliddens, IT E...
702 ABC Sydney, Sydney hosted by Tony Delroy
24 Jan 2013 10:05 PM
Program preview:
- Technology talk with Josh Gliddens, IT Expert. The Federal Government is making cyber-security a key feature of its updated Defence policy.
- Meg Mundell, NZ Author of Joyful Strains book.
- Aus Flag wants to bring in new sporting flag, one minus the union jack.
Program preview with Jennifer Fleming: -A look at technolog...
774 ABC Melbourne, Melbourne hosted by Michael Veitch
24 Jan 2013 10:05 PM
Program preview with Jennifer Fleming:
-A look at technology predictions for 2013, including ′phablets′. Veitch claims that Australian′s are amongst the highest uptakers of new technology in the world.
-Discussing calls made by Ausflag for a new sporting flag for Australia.
Program preview: Nightline with Jennifer Fleming. - What t...
612 ABC Brisbane, Brisbane hosted by Emily Jade O′Keeffe
24 Jan 2013 8:53 PM
Program preview: Nightline with Jennifer Fleming.
- What technology will be hot in 2013, including a phone combined with a tablet.
- AusFlag′s idea of having a special sporting flag.
ANU academic Dr John Blaxland has designed a new flag for Au...
ABC News 24, Sydney hosted by Paul Kennedy and Karina Carvalho
25 Jan 2013 7:42 AM

ANU academic Dr John Blaxland has designed a new flag for Australia. He says Australia has the national flag, the Aboriginal flag, the Torres Strait Islander flag plus AusFlag proposed a sporting flag. Dr Blaxland understands the significance of the current flag, which includes the Union Jack. He thinks many people dislike it but wanted to devise a compromise flag. He says the Canadian maple leave is evocative and no Australians have matched it. Dr Blaxland explains his design. He says in WWI, Australians fought under the Union Jack alone. He hopes his flag becomes popular via Facebook and Twitter. Viewers have mixed reviews of the flag.
Hosts talk about AusFlag push for special Australian flag fo...
Channel 7, Sydney hosted by David Koch,Melissa Doyle, Mark Beretta
25 Jan 2013 6:22 AM

Hosts talk about AusFlag push for special Australian flag for sporting events and run phone poll for viewers. They say Victoria Azarenka is under fire taking a controversial injury time-out at the Australian Open against Sloane Stephens. Beretta quotes rule book. He says the doctor was from Geelong Football Club. They show video of ′Gangnam′ style baby.
Australia′s flag is made up of the Union Jack, Southern Cros...
ABC1, Sydney hosted by Leigh Sales
25 Jan 2013 6:22 AM

Australia′s flag is made up of the Union Jack, Southern Cross and Federation Star, this flag represented Australia at the 2012 London Olympic Games but could have a limited future as lobby group AusFlag campaigns for a new Australian flag, with a particular focus on the sporting arena, to distinguish Australia from other nations also featuring the Union Jack. Robert Webster, Chairman, AusFlag says that when Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand finished first, second and third in rowing at the Olympics all three flags depicted the Union Jack, saying people watching in China or the US would not have realised these were different flags. Webster discusses AusFlag′s design for an official sporting flag, which includes the traditional flag and Australia′s national colours. David Flint, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy says we should have one national flag, for sporting and all other purposes, and this should be the flag that flew over Parliament House. Peter Fitzsimons, Journalist and Former Wallabies Player says Australia needs a new flag full stop, commenting that Australian and New Zealand flags waved at the Bledisloe Cup look too similar. Flint says many European countries have similar flags. Webster says people like the boxing kangaroo flag but would never consider it an official representation of Australia.