Sunday 31 August 2003
Following the public outcry surrounding the use of Waltzing Matilda at the World Cup, the Executive Director of Ausflag, Mr Harold Scruby, today called upon the Australian Government to formally proclaim Waltzing Matilda as the Australian National Song.
Mr Scruby said: "There is a very simple solution to this issue; until 1984 we had a National Anthem (God Save The Queen) and a National Song (Advance Australia Fair). After the latter was proclaimed the national anthem we were left with no national song, yet the precedent and tradition remain.
"Many nations have national anthems and national songs; the former are mostly used on formal and solemn occasions and the latter on more informal and joyous occasions.
"Waltzing Matilda is a most emotional and moving tune. It is an intrinsic part of our culture and deserves formal recognition. It also came out of copyright about ten years ago.
"Once formally and legally proclaimed, it could be played and sung anywhere." Mr Scruby added.