Wednesday 8 December 1993
The Ausflag Australian flag competition has now closed. Ausflag received in excess of 20000 entries and the overall standard has been very high.
Media representatives are invited to cover the judging of the competition which will take place next Saturday 11 December 1993 at 2:00 pm sharp, at the offices of Hulsbosch, 24 Young Street, Neutral Bay.
The judges of the competition will be:
The National Museum will be launching the "Flying the Flag" exhibition at Old Parliament House in Canberra on Friday 17 December 1993 and have offered us their facilities to announce the winner/s at 2:00 pm and award the prize-money of $25000 and the consolation prizes.
The announcement of the winning design/s will made in Canberra at 2:00 pm on Friday 17 December 1993.