By Alex Mitchell
Former Premier Nick Greiner has invited Aboriginal leaders to take part in designing a new Australian flag. He has written to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) suggesting talks on a new flag for the Olympic Games in 2000 and the centenary of federation in 2001. This follows last week′s Australia Day poll by Herald-AGB McNair showing 66 per cent support for using the Aboriginal flag in the design.
Mr Greiner and NRMA president NichoIas Whitlam are co-chairmen of Ausflag, the organisation campaigning for a new national flag. Ausflag′s executive director Harold Scruby said yesterday: "The incorporation of Aboriginality in the Australian flag is a very exciting idea. It is clear that in the hearts of a majority of Australians there is a desire to create a symbol of reconciliation within the flag."